Money Making Mindset Personal Development June 21, 2021July 20, 2021Eva HyllestadLeave a Comment on Money Making Mindset No matter what your current financial situation is, you can develop a ‘Money Magnet Mindset’ that will empower you to get out of debt, and create a healthy financial future for yourself and your family. Money Magnet Strategy #1: Positive Money Affirmations The first Money Magnet Mindset strategy is for you to become consciously aware about your negative and limiting money beliefs.And when you are aware of what those are, you will have to consciously replace those negative beliefs with positive beliefs.The easiest way for you to do this is to reprogram your subconscious mind with positive affirmations, and repeat those to yourself daily. Money Magnet Strategy #2: Practise Gratitude Money Magnet Strategy #3: Imagine Your Riches Money Magnet Mindset Strategy #4: Network On Purpose Money Magnet Mindset Strategy #5: Test-drive Your Future Sign up for the full free training video series and receive bonuses beyond this videos!