The true spiritual nature of the universe is harmony. If we fail to understand that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, our lives will reflect that with struggle throughout our lives.
Living in harmony with the universal laws is our divine birthright, and so we should study them to understand why we are experiencing disharmony within man made laws. Man made laws must integrate with the universal laws if we are to sustain our sovereignty and freedom as spiritual, whole beings.
Our soul development is dependent upon our ability to evolve and flourish as free human beings. In spite of man made laws. We must understand that we alone are accountable for our thoughts, words, feelings and actions either being in harmony with or in violation of the universal laws.
The unconditional premise of the universal laws is to cause no harm. We are in fact in violation of the universal laws, one or several of them, when we cause harm. Harmonious freedom is found within the strength of our own moral compass in contrast to the limitations of man made laws that incite fear, worry, and punishment.
The Law of Vibration
This is a primary law that states that nothing rests, everything moves and vibrates.
All vibrations are energy, and all energy operates on different frequencies.
People can see, hear, smell, taste and touch, and they also have their imagination, intuition, will, memory, reason and perception, called the Higher Faculties.
All operating on different frequencies, low or high, or anything between.
Understanding that to get what you want in life, what you want to be, do, and have, your frequency must match the desired outcome.
Humans have the capability of changing their frequency level, so understanding the Law of Vibration is VITAL to live in HARMONY with any Universal Law.
If you want to learn more, let me know so YOU can manifest YOUR dreams and desires 🙂
The Law of Compensation
This is the law that clearly states that a person will always be compensated for his efforts and contributions, no matter what the effort, no matter how much or how little.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, discussed the notion of “Compensation”, in his book called “Essays” (1841).
He stated that a person will get compensated for his or her efforts and what they have contributed to others.
And he continues to say that when you give, your reward may not come back right away, all at once or in the manner that you expected it, but your reward will come.
The Law of Cause and Effect
The law of cause and effect is a universal law that specifically states that every single action in the universe produces a reaction no matter what.
All paths have an original first step, and from that first step comes a chain reaction of events.
All your thoughts and your human behaviour, and all your movements affect the entire universe according to the law of cause and effect.
Every single item within the universe is relative and nothing is separate.
Therefore if you move your hand, you are moving this space that surrounds it and that space is connected to all space within the infinite universe.
The Law of Attraction
Demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives.
Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which in turn attract like energies.
Understand that negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.
To live in harmony with this law you must understand that to be more abundant you must act as if you are already living a life of abundance.
Simply put, the Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing the most on.
It is this law that uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts with strong attached emotions to those thoughts, and then materialize them into reality.
The Law of Abundance
This law refers to the unlimited sources of the universe available to all.
It states that everything we could ever need or want is already waiting and available to us.
The laws of attraction and abundance are closely related but not the same.
There is plenty of wealth (including, but not limited to, money) available to you. There is no real shortage!
You can have virtually all you really want and need.
We live in a generous universe and we are surrounded on all sides by blessings and opportunities to acquire all we truly desire.
Your attitude, of either abundance or scarcity toward wealth, will have a major impact on whether you become wealthy in all aspects of life, or not.
The Law of Polarity
According to this law, everything is dual, each thing comes with the potential for its opposite.
So things that appear to be opposites are actually two inseparable parts of the same thing.
Think of hot and cold as an example. Although they’re opposites, they’re actually on the same continuum and you cannot have one without the potential for the other.
Every thought (and therefore every intention) has two components; CONTENT and ENERGY.
If you have any deep-seated negative beliefs in your subconscious (e.g. that you’re not talented enough to succeed) that will shape the energy of your intentions.
So, even if you’re thinking about the content of your intention, such as becoming a stand-up comedian, your emotional energy may not be in harmony with this intentional content.
If you’re experiencing strong positive emotions in connection with your intentions, you have a strong intentional current that will help you manifest.
Now, if those emotions aren’t there or they’re wildly inconsistent, you’re lacking the right kind of intentional current.
In many cases, people don’t have an effective energy flow because they’re accidentally using both polarities at once.
So, if you have both polarities present at the same time and in the same magnitude, they simply cancel each other out.
The Law of Increase
According to this law, everything you think of, talk of, get emotional about, and take action on will increase.
Whether it is in faith of prosperity or resistance of the unwanted it will expand.
The key to this law is to feel grateful, to praise for the good things, and amplify the positive things that we have in life.
At the same time, we need to have faith that we can grow and have more of it.
This law is closely related to the Law of Non-Resistance.
The Law of Non-Resistance
This law states that the more you resist anything in life, the more you bring it to you.
You attract whatever you are powerfully focused on with strong feelings and emotion.
If you use all your power to resist something that you don’t want will only result in you getting it.
So train your mind in the direction of thinking something, deal with whatever you are facing of things you don’t want, in a neutral state of mind.
Instead of reacting (denying or acting out), find a way to respond (deal with it in an objective manner) and the resistance will disappear.
The Law of Giving and Receiving
This law describes the constant flow and exchange as universal energy. It recognizes that the way to amplify or expand anything that you want is to give it to others.
Since all things physical are based on energy, this law also applies to the material world.
If you want to experience more abundance, you have to spread more abundance.
By sharing wealth, you expand your own experience of it and therefore achieve more abundance in your life.
First give… A smile, kindness, compassion & understanding, a gift, creating positive karma that will return to you.
Then learn to receive… Imagine or accept that manifestations can come in forms you first didn’t expect, and openly accept gifts that are freely given to you.
Practice gratitude and appreciation for everything that you have daily. Only when you are grateful for the things you already have in your life, do you pave the way for more of what you want to come to you.
Law of Readiness
The first primary principle of the Laws of Learning.
states that learning is dependent upon the learner’s readiness to act, which facilitates the strengthening of the bond between stimulus and response.
Students learn best when they have the necessary background, a good attitude, and are ready to learn.
In other words, they have clear objectives and are rational which is key to learning.
Law of Exercise
The second primary principle of the Laws of Learning.
It states that every time practice occurs, learning continues. The more a person practices something, the better he or she is able to retain that knowledge.
Those things most repeated are the best learned.
Now, when you have learned to ride a bicycle, you don’t have to repeat that practice to remember how to ride a bike. However, you can always improve your biking skills by continuing to practice new biking skills.
Law of Effect
The third primary principle of the Laws of Learning.
It states that learning is stronger when associated with a pleasing feeling, just as it is weakened when associated with an unpleasant feeling.
Learning occurs when it results in satisfaction and the learner derives fun and pleasure out of it.
Therefore, the learner is more likely to learn when they feel satisfied or are rewarded for learning, rather than punished for not learning. They need to feel good in order to retain motivation.
Law of Primacy
One of the secondary principles of the Laws of Learning.
It states that learning should be done correctly the first time since it is difficult to unlearn or change an incorrectly learned material.
Any new content must be presented in a logical order, to ensure the student has learned one step so as to be ready to move forward to the next level of learning.
Law of Intensity
One of the secondary principles of the Laws of Learning.
It implies that a student will learn more from the real thing than from a substitute. New knowledge and skills are more likely to be retained if it is presented in an intense and exciting manner.
The more intense the material taught, the more likely it will be retained. A sharp, clear, vivid, dramatic, or exciting learning experience teaches more than a routine or boring experience. Demonstrations, skits, role-playing, peer teaching get the students more engaged, and with that, they will learn more.
The Law of Recency
One of the secondary principles of the Laws of Learning.
This principle states that we remember the most recent material covered. The further a student is removed time-wise from a new fact or understanding, the more difficult it is to remember.
The six laws of learning work for most learning situations. Learning these laws and keeping these laws in mind when planning instruction, will create a better learning atmosphere for students!
Not all laws of learning are in every situation and it’s not necessary to determine which law operates in which situation.
The educator who understands the laws of learning can deal intelligently with motivation, participation, and individual differences – the three major factors that affect learning.
If you are interested in diving deeper into the Laws of the Universe, make sure to BOOK YOUR COMPLIMENTARY CALL with Eva Hyllestad.
Thank you for sharing this great post Eva.
Great job.
I appreciate having these defined Laws in one place.
Best wishes,
Delroy M.
You’re most welcome Delroy, and thank you for taking the time to let me know you found it valuable.
Make sure to come back, as it will be updated once per week 🙂