Money fears can be overwhelming, making us feel trapped in a cycle of scarcity and anxiety. But what if the way out isn’t about working harder or stressing more? What if the solution lies in turning inward, facing those fears with compassion, and transforming the way we speak to ourselves?
In this post, we’re going to explore how to let go of money fears by connecting with ourselves on a deeper level. By doing this, we can shift from a mindset of lack to one of abundance, and in turn, release the tight grip fear has on us.
The Root of Money Fear

Money fear often stems from a deep sense of insecurity, shaped by our upbringing, past experiences, and societal pressures. At its core, the fear of not having enough is tied to a survival instinct, triggering our nervous system and putting us in a constant state of fight or flight.
Oddly enough, we can become comfortable in this state, even though it doesn’t serve us. It becomes familiar, and the idea of stepping out of it feels uncomfortable – even scary.
This resistance to change keeps us stuck in the very mindset we wish to break free from. Instead of seeing possibilities, we focus on limitations – what we don’t have, what could go wrong – which only reinforces the scarcity we’re trying to escape.
Facing the Fear
The first step in letting go of money fear is recognizing its existence. When we try to ignore or suppress it, the fear doesn’t disappear—it lingers in the background, subtly shaping our thoughts and actions.
Instead of pushing it away, try speaking to yourself with kindness and compassion. It may feel unusual at first, but try saying something like:
“Honey, I know you’re scared right now. I know it feels tight. I know it seems like there’s not enough. But we’re going to get through this. I’m here with you every step of the way. We’ll find a way, and together we’ll change this current reality.”
Or you might say:
“I see you’re feeling afraid, and that’s okay. It’s normal to feel this way, but we’ve overcome challenges before, and we will again. I’m with you, and we’re going to move through this. Abundance is on its way.”
This gentle act of self-compassion changes how you relate to your fear. By acknowledging its presence, you’re also reminding yourself that it doesn’t control you. You have the power to shift your reality.
Reframing Your Relationship with Money
Once you’ve acknowledged and faced your money fears, the next step is to begin reframing how you think about money. Instead of seeing it as something scarce or hard to obtain, start viewing it as energy – something that flows in and out, something you can attract naturally. By shifting your mindset, you can break free from a scarcity mentality and move towards an abundance mindset.
Here are a few practical ways to begin reframing your relationship with money:
Gratitude for What You Have
Start by focusing on the abundance that already exists in your life. This could be as simple as having a safe place to live, food on the table, or the love and support of a friend. When you consciously cultivate gratitude, you train your mind to notice what’s working rather than what’s lacking. It’s easy to take the little things for granted, like waking up in the morning, hearing birds sing, or sharing a moment of laughter.
By becoming more aware of these daily blessings, you expand your sense of abundance. Get into the feeling of gratitude, not just for big things, but for every small gift life offers. The more thankful you are, the more reasons you’ll find to be grateful.
Incorporating positive affirmations is another powerful way to shift your money mindset. Use statements like “I am” or “I love that” to evoke the feeling of prosperity and abundance. For example, tell yourself, “I am open to receiving money in unexpected ways,” or “I am worthy of financial freedom.”
Even if these affirmations don’t feel true at first, repeating them daily can help rewire your subconscious mind over time. The key is consistency and belief – affirmations work best when you truly feel the emotions behind them. They can gradually help you break old, limiting beliefs about money and replace them with empowering ones.
The Power of Tapping to Release Money Fears
Tapping, or EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful tool you can use to release limiting beliefs and money-related fears.
By gently tapping on specific acupressure points while acknowledging your emotions, you can help shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance.
This technique allows you to reduce the emotional charge of negative thoughts, creating space for a more positive and empowered relationship with money.
Watch this video to see a step-by-step demonstration of how tapping is done, especially if you’re new to the practice. It also guides you on what to say during tapping, making it easy to incorporate this simple technique into your daily routine.
Remember, like any technique, consistency is key – repetition is what makes it truly effective.
Visualize Financial Freedom
Visualization is another incredibly effective tool for aligning your thoughts with the financial reality you wish to create. Each day, take a few moments to close your eyes and imagine what financial freedom looks and feels like for you. What does your life look like when you no longer worry about money? How do you spend your time? What are the emotions and sensations that come with this new reality? Visualization not only helps to make your goals feel more tangible, but it also trains your brain to act as if they are already within reach.
Here’s a fun exercise I like to use regularly: go “shopping” online for all the things you want. Browse for your dream home, your ideal car, the clothes, the vacations, restaurants you want to visit – everything! You’re not actually buying anything, just acting as though you have unlimited resources. Every time you think of something you desire, imagine you’re shopping for it with no limitations. This not only helps you feel what it’s like to be financially free, but it also shifts your energy into one of abundance and possibility.
By practicing gratitude, using affirmations, and visualizing your financial freedom, you can start to change how you see money and how it flows into your life. The goal is to release the grip of fear and embrace the idea that abundance is always available to you.
Trusting the Process

essence, reparenting your inner child—the part of you that feels small, scared, and vulnerable.
By soothing this part of yourself, you’re not just addressing your money fears; you’re reshaping how you handle challenges in all aspects of your life. This practice of self-compassion and reassurance helps you to develop resilience, confidence, and trust in yourself. Over time, this emotional strength will spill over into other areas, allowing you to face difficulties with a sense of calm and empowerment. Remember, the path to financial freedom isn’t just about numbers—it’s about inner growth and healing.
When you talk to yourself in moments of fear, you are reparenting your inner child, soothing the part of you that is afraid. This practice not only helps you with money but can transform how you approach challenges in other areas of life.
Final Thoughts
Money fears are real, but they don’t have to control your life. By turning toward yourself with compassion and understanding, you can begin to dissolve those fears. When you talk to yourself with love, reminding yourself that you’re in this together, you create space for new opportunities and possibilities.
Remember, you are not alone in this journey. The key is to trust the process, be kind to yourself, and know that financial freedom is within your reach.
What steps will you take today to face your money fears with compassion? Let’s talk in the comments below!