Improve Your Life With Positive Affirmations

Law of Attraction

We are bombarded, daily, with all types of negative messages, whether consciously aware of them or not. And these negative messages comes from media, through social interactions, and through our surroundings in general. This can be harmful to our minds in the long run, as these negative messages often turn into limiting beliefs which again hold us back from our goals, dreams and hopes. The can cause stress, anxiety, and other unwanted limitations, including the experience of emotional freedom and fulfilling relationships.

The good news is though, we can bypass this negative mindset and shift towards positivity and optimism. Because – and you may not be aware of this – what you attract into your life is down to what you think and talk about most of the time, where your focus goes. And this includes any belief you hold inside your own mind.

You see, positive attract more positive outcomes and experiences, and the same is true with negativity… Negative attracts negative outcomes and experiences. And nobody wants that, right?

And here is another thing I want to point out, that you might not be aware of…

Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation. Positive or negative. Your thoughts and words are declarations of who you think you are and how you perceive the world.

So, realize this… Every time you have negative thoughts or are making self deprecating comments, you are actually affirming that as your negative personal truth. You see, your subconscious mind can’t differ between good or bad, it has no ability to reject, it can only accept, and it accept our “commands” as reality.

Fortunately, the same holds true for positive thoughts and statements. If you want to change your life for the better, even though it might not be too bad today, make a positive declaration to set your dreams and desires in motion by consciously using positive affirmations.

Affirmations are the empowering key to unlocking the Law of Attraction and creating the life of your dreams! If you daily bombard your subconscious mind with new positive thoughts and images, stated in the present tense, your negative thoughts and images will soon disappear.

Below you’ll find various examples of positive affirmations you can use to improve your life!

  • “I’m attracting joy into my life.”
  • “I am breathing effortlessly with lungs that are pure and clean”
  • “I am confidently checking the balance of my bank account as I make a deposit of $10,000.”
  • “I am feeling exhilarated, agile, and alive.”
  • “I am confidently expressing myself openly and honestly.”

“It is a universal principle that you get more of what you
think about,
talk about, and feel strongly about.”
~Jack Canfield

  • “I radiate beauty, charm, and grace.”
  • “I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful.”
  • “My obstacles are moving out of my way; my path is carved towards greatness.”
  • “I am effectively communicating my needs and desires to my loving partner.”
  • “I am feeling relaxed and grateful to be sitting here in Hawaii with my toes buried in the warm sand, feeling the warmth of the sun on my face.”

“See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it.
It works every time, with every person.”

~Bob Proctor


  • “My future looks brighter than ever.”
  • “I’m receiving all the money I need to live my life of total freedom.”
  • “I forgive those who have harmed me in the past and I peacefully detach from them.”
  • “My efforts are being supported by the universe; my dreams manifest into reality before my eyes.”
  • “I am looking around me at the faces of the people I am helping and I am thrilled to know that I have made a difference in their life.”

“Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind.
Be led by the dreams in your heart.”
~Roy T. Bennett

  • “I love and approve of myself.”
  • “I am celebrating feeling light and alive at my perfect body weight of 70 kg.”
  • “I notice positive changes in my body and mind every day.”
  • “I am filled with energy for all the daily activities in my life.”
  • “I love and care for my body and it cares for me.”

“As I love and approve of myself and others,
my life gets better and better.”
~Louise Hay

  • “My body and mind are fit and well.”
  • “I’m the architect of my life; I build its foundation and choose its content.”
  • “My body is healed, restored and filled with energy.”
  • “I am a magnet for money. Prosperity is drawn to me.”
  • “I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.”

“Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”
~Maya Angelou

  • “Money is the root of joy and comfort.”
  • “I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.”
  • “I love feeling fit and strong. It is easy for me to eat well and exercise regularly”
  • “Money expands my life’s opportunities and experiences.”
  • “Money and spirituality can co-exist in harmony.”

“Use money and love people.
Don’t love money and use people.”

~Joseph Prince

  • “I am smart, capable and talented.”
  • “I am grateful for the abundance that I have and the abundance that’s on its way.”
  • “I am open to receiving unexpected opportunities.”
  • “I am creative and open to new solutions.”
  • “I am open to receiving what is in the highest and best for all.”

“You need not apologize for being brilliant,
talented, gorgeous, rich, or smart.”

~Marianne Williamson

  • “I am proud of myself.”
  • “I am prepared for and welcome new challenges”
  • “I am a magnet for positivity, abundance, and happiness.”
  • “I am right where I am supposed to be.”
  • “I forgive myself and let go of my mistakes.”

“I’m very proud of myself because I have come so close
to just giving up and I haven’t done that.”
~Brandy Norwood

  • “I am worthy. I am loved. I am enough.”
  • “I have unique and special ideas to share with the world.”
  • “I am grateful for the amazing, wonderful things in my life!”
  • “My life is full of adventure and incredible experiences.”
  • “I am creative and flexible, and I go with the flow of life.”

“You’re worthy of being chosen, fought for,
and loved.Remember that.”
~Mark Groves

“People treat me with respect.”
“I am worthy of all the abundance, love, and amazing experiences I want.”
“I give praise to myself and to others naturally and effortlessly!”
“I am capable of achieving everything I want.”
“I grow and become a better version of myself every day!”

“Respect comes in two unchangeable steps:
giving it and receiving it.”
~Edmond Mbiaka

  • “My life is abundant.”
  • “The Universe is generous with health, joy, and abundance!”
  • “I accept and embrace myself for who I am.”
  • “I adapt and change to my circumstances. I flow like a river.”
  • “I accept and embrace myself for who I am.”

“Doing what you love is the cornerstone
of having abundance in your life.”
~Wayne Dyer

  • “I deserve everything I desire.”
  • “I give myself unconditional love!”
  • “I believe in myself and my power.”
  • “I love to share my ideas and thoughts.”
  • “I feel joyful to look at how far I’ve come.”

“Dreams come true when desire
transforms into concrete actions.”
~Napoleon Hill

  • “I am a Powerful Money Magnet.”
  • “Every day my money consciousness is increasing and keeping me surrounded by money.”
  • “I am living in an abundant universe where I am attracting everything I want.”
  • “I am attracting more and more money from multiple sources.”
  • “Money is an integral part of my life and it is always attached to me.”

“If money is your hope for independence you will never have it.
The only real security that a man will have in this world
is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.”
~Henry Ford

  • “I live in a Universe of Abundance.”
  • “I release all my fear of money and open myself to the possibilities of abundance.”
  • “I am consciously happy and positive about money.”
  • “I am open and receptive to new avenues of income.”
  • “Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money.”

“Community doesn’t just create abundance
– community is abundance.
If we could learn that equation from the world of nature,
the human world might be transformed.”

~Parker J. Palmer

  • “I am the creator of my success.”
  • “I use the money to do meaningful things and give myself the best in life.”
  • “There is more money being printed for me right now.”
  • “I create money and abundance through Joy and Self-love.”
  • “Money is not an object but an energy that I am attracting every moment of my life.”

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and
the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.
And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

~Steve Jobs

  • “I am abundant in all areas of life.”
  • “I have more than enough money for everything I want.”
  • “There is always an abundance of money available to me.”
  • “I am constantly increasing my awareness of abundance, this reflects in constantly increasing my income.”
  • “Money and I are friends and our friendship will last forever.”

“Abundance is not something we acquire.
It is something we tune into.”
~Wayne Dyer

  • “I am a magnet for success and good fortune.”
  • “I am a super money magnet and an excellent money manager.”
  • “I attract Money naturally to me. I am a Money Magnet.”
  • “In the infinity of where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete.”
  • “I deserve to have everything nice and beautiful in my life.”

“Kindness is fate’s currency for good fortune.
And like all currencies, it is without value when faked.”
~Psyche Roxas-Mendoza

  • “Life is getting better all the time!”
  • “I find it easy to have positive thoughts at will.”
  • “I accept my past mistakes and do not judge myself for them.”
  • “My nature is Divine; I am a spiritual being.”
  • “I create excellent business opportunities.”

“You can’t go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
~C.S. Lewis

  • “I’m thankful for how powerful I am!”
  • “I’m so grateful to get to wake up and experience a new day.”
  • “I’m thankful that the universe has my back.”
  • “I’m grateful for my body and what it can do.”
  • “I invite gratitude, happiness, and abundance into my life.”

“A tiger doesn’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.”
~Shahir Zag

  • “Thank you universe for everything I have!”
  • “My heart is filled with gratitude and warmth.”
  • “I’m grateful for mindfulness – it keeps me calm and grounded.”
  • “I’m grateful that I get to live out my dreams in this lifetime.”
  • “I am so grateful for my freedom and ability to choose myself.”

“Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing,
and your attitude when you have everything.”

  • “My possibilities are endless!”
  • “Nothing can stop me from achieving my dreams.”
  • “I possess the qualities needed to be hugely successful.”
  • “Today I am overflowing with energy and joy.”
  • “I am free from self-doubt and filled with self-confidence.”

“This new day has greeted us with no rules; unconditional opportunity.
Do not dilute the power of this new day with the hardship of yesterday.
Greet this day the way it has greeted you;
with open arms and endless possibility.”
~Dr. Steve Maraboli

You can also download for FREE some of the most POWERFUL audio affirmations out there to help you better your health, wealth & abundance.

Go here to download!

If you want to learn more about how positive affirmations can work for you, and to get more personalized affirmations, BOOK YOUR FREE COMPLIMENTARY CALL with Eva Hyllestad, today to get started!

PS! This page will be updated once per week in 2021, so make sure to come back and visit to receive more ideas on positive affirmations!

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